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<rev user="Seaborn" timestamp="2023-02-24T23:40:26Z" comment="[FIX] Grammatical errors" contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">It is the mission of the to collect knowledge and share around the globe about [[BDSM]] practices; to set forth its general systems of [[best practices]], medical information, risk assessment and technical data to those who practice BDSM and those who wish to learn about it, and to transmit it to those who will come after us.
== Welcome! ==
'''Getting Started with the BDSM wiki'''
If you are a brand new BDSMwiki explorer, consider using the search bar to find something specific or visiting:
*[[BDSM 101]]: A space for beginners to get started.
*[[BDSM FAQ]]: A list of Frequently Asked Questions and their suggested answers.
*[[Theory]]: An area designed to give a broad overview and foundation for understanding much of [[BDSM]] in a [[RACK| risk aware]] and [[Consent| consenting]] fashion in line with [[best practices]].
*[[Identities]]: How do you identify? View various types of personal identities, relationships, and orientation types.
*[[Disciplines]]: An area that discusses various types of [[kinky]] academic focus.
*[[Resources]]: An area that offers access to various kink related resources.
Be sure to check out and ''like'' our [ Facebook Page] for regular articles in your feed!
''Please note:''
* BDSM wiki is an adult website filled with adult content. Please be sure to review our disclaimers and privacy policies below.
* At this time the wiki is undergoing much continual construction, but you are welcome to [[:Category:Theory| explore]] as there is a plethora of great information here already. You can help make meaningful contributions by [[Wiki_Help| joining the wiki team]]!
* If you find this site useful, please share it with others, a better educated community is a safer community. It is the hope of the site to eventually become the best free resource for BDSM education on the internet. If you feel it's really a wonderful resource, and you'd like to support the efforts, please consider making a [[donation]] and sharing a link on your favorite social network.
* We are proud to be educating over 1 million visitors!</rev>