BDSM 101
From BDSM Wiki
So you're brand new to the idea of BDSM and excited to learn? That's great! This page is designed to give you a very brief orientation.
There is a lot of information out there and much of it cataloged on this wiki, but before you dive in too deep, lets cover the very core, vital, and essential concepts you should definitely learn on your first day of exploring. It is recommended that the following terms be read in the order they are presented.
- Consent
- Best Practices
- Chocolate and Peanut Butter Analogy
- The First Rule of Pervert Club
- Electronic Messaging
- Fetish
- Munch
- Coming Out
- Red Flag
- Safe Call
- Scene
- Assertive Speech
- Negotiations
- Safeword
- Safe Sex
- Top
- Bottom
- Aftercare
- Frenzy
- Power exchange
- Know Thyself
- BDSM Theory
- BDSM Resources