My wiki:About
It is the mission of the to collect knowledge and share around the globe about BDSM practices; to set forth its general systems of best practices, medical information, risk assessment and technical data to those who practice BDSM and those who wish to learn of it, and to transmit it to those who will come after us.
BDSMwiki freely uses sources under shared licenses in the interest of creating a shared educational resource and was founded on March 31, 2014. We are proud to educate 1500-2000+ kinksters every day!
About the store
The BDSMwiki store is powered by We have built this to help assist shoppers find quality gear at a great price, often a fraction of what you might pay at other vendors for most items. Your transactions are processed securely through the usual methods of
The does receive a small commission from sales made here, and since these items will cost you the same on, doing business here is very similar to otherwise donating that same commission to the wiki and still making that purchase for the same price.
If you would like to see a specific item added, or you would like us to carry your products, or would like to have your business sponsor a partnership, please contact the Admin.